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The Defense Acquisition Encyclopedia Acquisition Subjects Program Management Business & Marketing Contracts & Legal Cost Estimating DoDAF Architecting Earned Value Management Financial Management Information Technology Intelligence & Security Logistics Modeling & Simulation Proposal Development Requirements Development Risk Management Schedule Development Software Management Systems Engineering Technology Development Test & Evaluat.. 2023. 12. 27.
AIRBUS Global Market Forecast 2023-2042 Airbus’ latest edition of its Global Market Forecast (GMF) for the 2023-2042 period offers a forward-looking view of air traffic and fleet evolutions. The GMF 2023 connects the drivers for air transport demand (GDP, demographics…) with existing and future measures related to decarbonisation of the sector such as Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF). The report highlights future traffic growth and ai.. 2023. 12. 27.
BOEING MARKET OUTLOOK 2023–2032 BOEING MARKET OUTLOOK 2023–2032 Executive Summary About the Boeing Market Outlook In 1961, Boeing began sharing its annual outlook of the commercial and cargo market. Today, Boeing provides long-term market analysis in the industry areas we serve, including commercial, services, defense and space, aerospace personnel, air cargo, and finance. Throughout the year, an expert team at Boeing analyzes.. 2023. 12. 27.
BOEING Commercial Market Outlook 2023–2042 Commercial Market Outlook 2023–2042 For more than 60 years, the Boeing Commercial Market Outlook (CMO) has been the aviation industry’s leading forecast in global commercial air traffic and airplane demand. With detailed, regional analysis the CMO is an annual resource for airlines, suppliers and the wider aviation community in tracking the evolution of market trends over a 20-year period. The 2.. 2023. 12. 27.
AIRCRAFT DAILY-20231227 AIRCRAFT DAILY-20231227 MILITARY 국산 항공엔진 우리 손으로 만든다…방사청 “2030년대 중후반 개발 완료” [문화일보] ‘무기체계 획득 Fast-Track’이 기존의 신속시범획득사업 쟁점 딛고 자리 잡으려면 해결되야 할 과제 [뉴스투데이] 전투기 국산화의 꿈…엔진 독자 개발 착수 [OBS] 김동관 부회장이 그리는 지상 방산사업은 [DealSite] 국내 방산업체, 폴란드 정권교체에 ‘긴장’ [경남일보] [만파식적] 사우디 방위 산업 [서울경제] 국민의힘 경남의원들 지역구 예산 증액 잇달아 [경남일보] COMMERCIAL 한국형 항공위성서비스(KASS) 개시, 하늘길 더 안전하게 [인천투데이] 멕시코, 군대 운영 항공사 출범.. 관광지 툴룸행 첫 이륙 [NEWSIS] Boeing.. 2023. 12. 27.
AIRCRAFT DAILY-20231226 AIRCRAFT DAILY-20231226 MILITARY 한국형 전투기 초도양산 20대 확정…내년 6월부터 착수 [SBS] KAI, 한국형 기동헬기 동력전달장치 개발 협약 [KBS] STX엔진, 방산 디젤엔진 개발 최종 선정…국산화 첨병 [이데일리] KF-21 사업 타당성 조사 KIDA 연구원 뇌사 상태 [서울신문] [단독]내년 초 이집트와 첫 방산군수공동위… 'K방산' 진출 탄력 기대 [news1] Italy, Japan and UK governments agree on the next generation GCAP [AIRFRAMER] COMMERCIAL 100% 걸었다는 조원태…대한항공·아시아나號 아직 활주로에 [news1] 中 첫 자국산 여객기 C919 상용화 속도…에어차이나, 6대 주문 [연합뉴.. 2023. 12. 26.
리스크 관리 2023. 12. 20.