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00 ILS Basics16

[DAU] Getting Back-to-Basics The Back-to-Basics framework aligns the acquisition workforce to better focus our resources. The updated framework will significantly empower the workforce with options to become flexible, agile, and mobile. Supervisors and employees will require close coordination of individual development plans as statutory training requirements are reduced and more just-in-time training becomes available in t.. 2024. 1. 2.
Reliability Assurance Process Reliability Assurance Process CSI : Critical Safety Item DMEA : Damage Mode and Effects Analysis F&DT : Fatigue and Damage Tolerance FMECA : Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis FRACAS : Failure Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action System PSE : Principal Structure Element (End) 2022. 10. 31.
AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS WBS AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE Work Breakdown Structure(WBS) - hardware, software, services, data, facilities로 구성되어진 product-oriented family tree - end item 또는 수행되어질 작업의 end product의 기술적 목적을 명확하게 이해하기 위해 수행 - 최소한 3단계로 구성 ① Level 1 : entire defense materiel item ② Level 2 : the major elements of the defense materiel item ③ Level 3 : elements subordinate to level 2 major elements - WBS의.. 2022. 10. 28.
Reliability Basics Reliability Basics (신뢰성 기초) (Presentation) (End) 2022. 10. 28.
Reliability Screening Reliability Screening (Presentation) (End) 2022. 10. 28.
Task Request Form and Sample 업무요청서 양식 및 샘플 (양식) 00 Project 업무 요청서 업무요청일 요청번호* 업무명 업무시작일 업무완료일 Driver Supporter Leader Sponsor 업무내용 완료 의견 [Leader] 평가 의견 [Sponsor] * 요청번호 체계 PM-00-xxxx : 개발관리/일반/공통 업무 PM-00-xxxx : 사업관리 업무 PM-01-xxxx : RAM 분석 업무 PM-02-xxxx : LSA 업무 PM-03-xxxx : 요소개발 업무(IETM/CBT 포함) (샘플) PM-00-0001 업무요청일 2021.06.12 요청번호 PM-02-0001 업무명 신뢰성 업무 기준서 Draft 작성 업무시작일 2021.06.16 업무완료일 2021.06.24 Driver NNN Supporter OO.. 2022. 9. 30.
Proceeding Form 회의록 양식 (End) 2022. 9. 30.