Supply Chain2 Outcome-Driven Supply Chains The supply chains of tomorrow must deliver varying degrees of six outcomes — the traditional cost-related benefit plus responsiveness, security, sustainability, resilience and innovation — depending on key customers’ needs. Steven A. Melnyk, Edward W. Davis, Robert E. Spekman and Joseph SandorJanuary 01, 2010 Certain characteristics and practices are essential to addressing a set of objectives t.. 2023. 12. 20. Six key trends impacting global supply chains in 2022 Six key trends impacting global supply chains in 2022 From logistics disruption, to workforce and labor. The recent pandemic has affected every part of the value chain, from raw material sourcing to end customer. It is testing the commercial, operational, financial and organizational resilience of the majority of companies across the globe. COVID-19 has highlighted risks and resiliency gaps for .. 2023. 12. 20. 이전 1 다음