Life Cycle Cost2 LCC(Life Cycle Cost) Estimation LCC ESTIMATION AND CASE STUDY USING RELIABILITY AND MAINTAINABILITY ANALYSIS (ICAS 2016) Abstract In initial System Development & Demonstration phase, it is possible Total Lifecycle Cost (LCC) estimation using Reliability, Maintainability (RM) analysis result. RM analysis data are following applicable to LCC estimation. Reliability metric is System/Equipment MTBF and Maintenance Task Frequency. .. 2022. 9. 7. LSA / PSA(Product Support Analysis) Samples LSA / PSA Samples 1. FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) 2. FMEA/CA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis / Criticality Analysis) 3. RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) 4. LORA (Level of Repair Analysis) 5. Process of O&S(Operating & Support, 운용유지) Cost Reduction 6. LCC (Life Cycle Cost, 수명주기비용) Estimation (End) 2022. 9. 5. 이전 1 다음